West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions ProGRAM Management Support services (PMSS)


Document Control Management


Sound Transit

Engineering firm:

Connect Seattle Partners (CSP), a joint venture of Mott MacDonald and WSP

Project overview:

Program Management Support Services for the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions.

Skill demonstrated:

Managed a submittal matrix to track design submittals from various consultant teams and third parties. Conducted regular training classes to ensure that team staff adhere to document protocol. Worked closely with quality and technical editing teams to maintain  high-caliber design submittals. Performed regular site maintenance and file organization of project Electronic Design System (EDS) to comply with Sound Transit auditing process.


Developed a program-wide document control management procedure in alignment with Sound Transit and FTA requirements. Created a specific review process for concurrent milestone packages in various stages of design to ensure consistency and efficiency.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wULYC9-K-gA



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