A change of SCENERY

By Darlene Pryor
December 31, 2024

Most of my life was spent in Washington State. I was born and raised there, so to relocate from the West Coast to a completely different state where the only person I knew was the real estate agent was, in a word, upending. However, I felt I was up to the task and ready for an adventure!

In September 2024, I decided to take a reconnaissance trip to Missouri. I had looked at the map and liked the name “Blue Springs” so I flew there for a week to survey the landscape, people, culture, and housing. It turned out I could buy twice the house for the same money I had paid for my house in Washington. Furthermore, gas was $2.69 a gallon compared to $3 to 4 per gallon in Washington. After carefully considering the pros and cons of moving across country, I decided I had nothing holding me back. Thankfully, I have a wonderful job and work remotely for a great company (Dossier, wink wink). I could live anywhere. During my week of Missouri research, I found a house I liked and made an offer, which was accepted. I flew back home, put my house on the market and accepted a great offer the following week.

After carefully considering the pros and cons of moving across country I decided I had nothing holding me back.

While working full-time, I packed up my 4-bedroom house. No easy task! Nights and weekends were taken up with packing and more packing, but you’d be surprised at what you can accomplish when there is a hard deadline!

Driving along the Columbia River, I felt a tug on my heart as I turned away and headed south.

The movers came near the Thanksgiving holiday, and away we all went at the end of November. I had meticulously planned the drive, taking a southern route to avoid the snow I knew had already kissed the Cascade Mountains. Driving along the Columbia River, I felt a tug on my heart as I turned away and headed south. I was nervous about what I might encounter weather-wise but had equipped my car with new winter tires and an emergency kit (along with computers, clothes and the basic necessities I would need at the new house). My car was packed to the fullest! Thankfully, I only encountered one patch of bad weather going over a mountain pass in southern Oregon, and luckily I made it through.

The scenery transitioned from fir trees and mountains to juniper trees to very flat land. The most beautiful scenery on the journey was driving through Salt Lake City. The mountains there were simply majestic! Being a hiker from the Pacific Northwest, I’m biased, of course. 

The rest of the drive was flat, sunny, and cold, and I made good time.

Five days after I had pulled out of my Washington driveway, I drove into Blue Springs. Two days after that, the movers arrived. I was never so happy to see my household belongings in my life! Now daily routine has become unpacking a sea of boxes, but I’m delighted to do so. The people are so nice, and I feel like I’ve found my culture here. Do I miss Washington State? Yes and no. I will miss the beautiful rain, the mountains, and the ocean. Washington will always be my home, but I have a new second home now. 

Now that I’m settled in Missouri, it really has been a wonderful change of scenery.

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