West Seattle And Ballard Links Extensions

ROLE: Document Control Manager, Technical Editor, and Communications Specialist


Project Challenges:


This Sound Transit 3 (ST3) Representative Project builds nearly 12 miles of new light rail connecting West Seattle to Downtown Seattle and north to Ballard, Washington. 



My role for this project was to provide high-level document control and client deliverables management for this project. My significant onsite experience on the Sound Transit East Link Final Design Project enabled me to step into my role as Document Controls Manager, Technical Editor, and Communications Specialist to provide immediate value to the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions. My full understanding of the agency’s policies and procedures allowed me to orchestrate an efficient and seamless set up of the SharePoint site, including communication and training of protocols for document management and version control to the consultant team. I was also responsible for tracking and monitoring all submittals, technical reports, document control quality audits, client deliverables, and compiling the monthly project progress reports for invoicing. I developed and implemented the project Document Control Plan, Writing Style Guide and the Technical Impact Reports template. During the course of the project, I conducted numerous training programs for project consultants and stakeholders in understanding the deliverable process and record management protocol per Sound Transit’s request.

Since the environmental submittals require extensive reviews by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the role of the Document Control Manager is to ensure the deliverables are submitted expediently and have undergone extensive quality reviews. As the Document Controls Manager and Technical Editor, I collaborated with the Project Manager and Discipline Task Leads to verify that all deliverables met the required project guidelines while maintaining a high standard of submittals.




Sound Transit has performed 2 successful document control audits of the project. Sound Transit have found our project database to be exemplary in the field of document control and have used it as a standard of excellence when setting up other project sites.









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